Sibley Lecture / MERIT Rounds

By MERIT McMaster (other events)

Tuesday, April 19 2022 5:00 PM 6:30 PM EDT

Join us for the SIbley Lecture and Awards Ceremony, IN PERSON at the University Club (McMaster University main campus).

Livestream option is available for those who are unable to join in person (at the time of the event, click 'View Livestream' on your digital ticket).

5:00pm - Sibley Lecture with Dr. Brian Hodges
6:00pm - Sibley Award presentation
Light refreshments to follow

Compassion, Care and Learning in our Hyper-Technological Age

The early 21st century was already characterized by questions about the evolution of what it means to be a health professional. And then the COVID-19 pandemic unfurled, forcing rapid adoption of technologies such as virtual care and learning platforms as well as a much bigger for role artificial intelligence and machine learning.

While the accelerated adoption of technology has had many benefits, high levels of provider burnout and questions about learner readiness for practice are appearing concurrent with ever greater demands for equitable, safe and compassionate care.

This presentation argues that, while healthcare and healthcare education will continue to be underpinned by exceptional cognitive skills and technical prowess, the confluence of challenges requires a renewed commitment to healthcare’s compassionate purpose in this hyper-technological age.

About Brian Hodges
Dr. Brian Hodges is Executive-Vice President Education and Chief Medical Officer at University Health Network, and Professor in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Brian is a practicing psychiatrist and teacher. His research and writing focus on assessment, competence, compassion and the future of the health professions. Brian earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology, followed by an MD at Queen’s University. He then pursued a residency in psychiatry and a fellowship in medical education at the University of Toronto. He earned a Master and then a PhD in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in Toronto. He also earned a Diploma in Health Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Paris.